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A-Level Photography

A level Photography is a varied and contemporary course, Students are introduced to a variety of experiences that explore a range of photographic media, techniques and processes. We use traditional techniques using our own darkroom and we teach modern techniques technologies in our Adobe suit, equipping students with skills for career and further education.

Students are encouraged to explore relevant images, artefacts and resources relating to a range of art and photography, from the past and from recent times, including European and non-European examples. The course is highly practical and critical with many activities and tasks that allow students to demonstrate their understanding of different styles, genres and traditions.

Students use either a digital sketchbooks or physical sketchbooks to underpin their work appropriately. The course is heavily reliant on capturing images and students are taught to keenly observe and hone their “photographers' eye”.

Students are taught through teacher lead, group work or artists seminars to shoot:

  • Portraiture
  • Landscape: urban & rural
  • Still life
  • Documentary
  • Photojournalism
  • Experimental imagery
  • Multimedia,
  • Photographic installation

As part of the course, students have to write a formal essay (called personal study) to show critical understanding in relation to the practical portfolio. All coursework produced will be based around themes and subject matter developed from personal starting points. Students will experiment with media and processes, develop and refine own ideas and present personal outcomes. At the end of the course students will complete an externally set assignment, which involves preparatory work and concludes in a 15-hour exam. This work must be produced unaided and under controlled examination conditions. Students should plan the best use of the 15 hours to complete all final outcome(s) within this time.

Students will be taken to galleries and exhibitions around our capital as part of the course. They have the opportunity to get involved in many of our rich experiences such as residential European visits, educational exhibition visits, UAL portfolio seminars and work with professional photographers and many more creative opportunities.

Our course, is at its heart art based and we require our students to share their ideas, show feelings and meaning and convey and interpret their own thoughts on the world around them through image and manipulations.

We talk to our students about historical and contemporary developments and different styles and genres and encourage them to build a working vocabulary and specialist terminology that is relevant to photography.

Many of our students go straight into their careers or university places studying Media, Photography, Advertising, Design, Architecture etc. Some students choose to study an art foundation and all of our students are guided through this exciting process.