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Haberdashers' Hatcham College

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Curriculum Director  Rob Benson
Email r.benson@habstrustsouth.org.uk



We believe that in order to be a chemist, one must develop a deep knowledge and understanding across the three key building blocks of Chemistry: the atomthe periodic table and chemical reactions. These concepts are the starting point for all chemical knowledge. We understand that Chemistry is a series of core questions to which students are able to find the answers, through investigation and an understanding of developing scientific models. In order to investigate answers to these core questions students will develop the skills and understanding to work like an expert chemist. They will be able to plan an investigation that allows valid conclusions to be drawn and precise, accurate data to be collected, presented and interpreted. Our learners will be able to analyse both qualitative and quantitative data and link this to explain concepts in both Biology and Physics. We want to impart sufficient scientific knowledge and develop scientifically literate young people who can make informed decisions about everyday scientific contexts and make sense of the world around them, for example, understanding the need to recycle and cut down CO2 emissions. We keep to the requirements of the National Curriculum and will expand this with incorporating the latest research into lessons and getting students to research latest developments in the ever-changing field of Chemistry.


We start the curriculum with looking at Particles and their behaviour and work our way towards how we can make different compounds and structures for use in medicine and in industry and finally looking at techniques of analysis to help solve both long- and short-term issues. This takes students on a systemic journey so that at each phase they are learning content built from the previous stage. Skills are embedded throughout the study of Chemistry, skills such as, development of scientific thinking, experimental skills and strategies, being able to analyse and evaluate information and using scientific vocabulary, quantities, units, symbols and nomenclature.  The department aims to foster an interest in Chemistry such that our students appreciate the work of chemists in a quest for innovation, enhancement and improving efficiency and ultimately we want all students to consider pursuing further study or careers in STEM.