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Head of department  Ms H Nevins 
Email h.nevins@habstrustsouth.org.uk


Citizenship Studies allows you to gain a deeper knowledge of democracy, government and law. We study four main areas: Life in Modern Britain, Rights and Responsibilities, Politics and Participation and Taking Citizenship Action. Students are examined on the ability to recognise bias, critically evaluate argument, weigh up evidence and look for alternative interpretations and sources of evidence. Students will have the opportunity to complete a practical part of the course, undertaking some Citizenship Action within the local Lewisham area. We start with Theme 1: Life in Modern Britain, which gives an introduction into the principles of British society and the foundations of the course. We then teach Rights and Responsibilities. The Citizenship Action will be undertaken during the Autumn term of Year 11, once students have an understanding of what Citizenship comprises. 


Key Stage 4 Overview

The GSCE Specification is taught over Years 10 and 11.


Year 10 topics

Theme 1: Life in Modern Britain 

  • - Principles and values in British society
  • - Identity
  • - The media and free press
  • - The UK’s role in key international organisations
  • - Making a difference in society

Theme 2: Rights and Responsibilities

  • - Laws in contemporary society
  • - Rights and responsibilities within the legal system
  • - How laws protect the citizen and deal with criminals
  • - Universal human rights
  • - Bringing about change in the legal system


Year 11 topics

Theme 4: Taking Citizenship Action

Theme 3: Politics and Participation

  • - Political power in the UK
  • - Local and devolved government
  • - Where does political power reside?
  • - How do others govern themselves?
  • - Bringing about political change


How is this qualification assessed?

Exam board: AQA

Paper 1: Section A: Active citizenship and Section B: Politics and participation

-1 hour 45 minutes - 80 marks - 50% GCSE


Paper 2: Section A: Life in Modern Britain and Section B: Rights and responsibilities

-1 hour 45 minutes - 80 marks  - 50% GCSE


Key Stage 4 Homework

Homework is set once a week, and comprises either research tasks to expand case studies or exam questions to practise exam skills.


How is this subject assessed?

There are three lessons a week, and in within at least one of the lessons there are a longer exam questions, either a 4-mark or 8-mark question. Within most lessons there are quick knowledge checks which are similar to the 1 mark, multiple choice questions.  Formal assessments are every term, based on an exam paper, but teachers are expected to mark a longer exam question at least every two weeks. Within the three lessons a week, one lesson a week will always have a Do Now starter of recap questions to promote retention in long-term memory.


How does this subject fulfil SMSC needs?

Social – in particular through the study of British Values and within the topic about identity and multiculturalism. Through the active citizenship, students will help their local community through volunteering.

Moral – in particular when students study the laws and the criminal system, developing an understanding of civil and criminal law and the impact of making certain choices. In addition, through the study of human rights and their importance.

Spiritual – in particular through the study of British Values, such as mutual respect and tolerance.

Cultural – in particular the knowledge of British legal system and politics. The understanding of how Britain’s history and how it created modern-day Britain. Through studying the British Values, focuses on multi-culturalism and people’s own identity.


How does the subject challenge more able pupils?

Extension activities are provided alongside every task given to students. These tasks are to push students to make more substantial arguments and make links between different themes and topics. The nature of the subject means that it is very current so students can be learning about events and situations which are taking place in the now. This allows the more able to do further research into particular events and situations.


What provision is made for pupils with SEND?

Quality first teaching in all of our lessons places an emphasis on high-quality inclusive teaching that utilises a range of strategies to support the learning of pupils with SEND in the classroom. The multiple-choice questions do support SEND students, as there are given options for the answers which can make it more accessible. SEND students are supported through one-to-one support and differentiated resources where needed. Writing frames and success criteria are given for those longer exam questions to support writing practice answers.


Enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities

Taking Citizenship Action allows students to engage with a local community, and could be through supporting a care home or a local charity. Due to the course, there are many enrichment opportunities such as a visit to a court room, a talk by a MP or by a police officer.


Useful websites



https://www.bbc.co.uk/news - keep up-to-date with current affairs.