Teachers of Computing |
Ms Blanadah Read Mr C Levy Ms Kwee Yong |
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There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.
Jim Lovell
Curriculum Overview and Philosophy
The Hatcham Computing curriculum is designed to equip pupils to understand and apply the fundamental principles and the concepts of Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Computer Science. Using the concepts of abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation pupils can analyse problems in computational terms. Using functional skills and knowledge of everyday software, students are able to apply techniques to solve problems. Learners are provided the opportunity to develop their computational thinking in order to solve such problems as to shape our world.
We believe that students need to be computer literate to successfully navigate the modern world. We want them to move away from using technology as an entertainment medium and allow them to develop the skills to harness its creative and business-related capabilities. With modern day innovations stemming from Computer Science we also endeavour to give our learners an understanding of this challenging discipline through a range of programming and problem-solving activities.
The Computing curriculum aims to develop confident users of technology, and equip all students with the skills they need now and beyond school for a range of purposes and audiences. Our aim is for students to enjoy computing, but also to use it safely and securely.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview
Throughout Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils learn about how to use technology safely, how to code programmes in different languages as well as a range of design and image-editing skills. Our curriculum is designed to stretch, challenge and prepare our pupils to study GCSE Computer Science or Vocational courses and then progress onto A-level Computer Science or Technical courses before pursuing courses in higher education or careers in computing.
Year 7 topics
- Functional skills and collaborating online
- Programming and Algorithms
- Spreadsheets and Modelling
- Boolean Logic
Year 8 topics
- Clear messaging in digital media
- Web design using HTML
- Computer Systems
- Introduction to Python Programming
- Binary Arithmetic
Year 9 topics
- Creative Interactive Digital Media
- Interactive Digital Media
- Python Programming
- Programming Project
Key Stage 3 Homework
Pupils can expect to receive an extended piece of homework twice per term. This might include a research project or creative assignment which will encourage pupils to take what they have learnt in the classroom and apply it to real-life scenarios and the world around them.
Key Stage 4 GCSE Computer Science
There are two qualifications offered at Key Stage 4. The GCSE Computer Science qualification offered is, above all else, relevant to the modern and changing world of computer science. This specification is being delivered at Hatcham College to get students working with real-world programming and provide them with a good understanding of the fundamental principles of computing.
OCR GCSE Computer Science | Specification: J277
Students take J277/01 and J277/02 to be awarded the OCR GCSE (9–1) in Computer Science.
Year 10 topics
Paper 1:
- Data Representation
- System Architecture
- Memory and Storage
- Ethical, Legal, cultural & environmental concerns
Paper 2:
- Computational Thinking
- Programming fundamentals
- Producing robust programs
- Boolean logic
- Programming Project
Year 11 topics
- Programming techniques; Producing Robust Programmes
- Computational Logics; Translators & facilities of languages
- Data Representation
- Exam Preparation
Paper 1:
- Computer networks, connections and protocols
- Network security
- Systems Software
- Exam Techniques & revisions
Paper 2:
- Searching & sorting algorithms
- Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
- Exam Techniques: Interpreting/Designing Program code using Pseudocode
How is this qualification assessed? GSCE Computer Science
OCR GCSE Computer Science | Specification: J277
Component 1: Computer systems
Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes – 50%
- Systems Architecture
- Memory and Storage
- Computer networks, connections and protocols
- Network security
- Systems software
- Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
Component 2: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes – 50%
- Algorithms
- Programming fundamentals
- Producing robust programs
- Boolean logic
- Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
- Exam Preparation
Creative Media + How is this qualification assessed?
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Creative iMedia | Specification: J834
Unit R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
Written paper - OCR set and marked, 1 hour 30 mins – 40%
Unit R094: Visual identity and digital graphics
Centre assessed tasks - OCR moderated, 30 guided learning hours – 30%
Unit R097: Interactive digital media
Centre assessed tasks - OCR moderated, 42 guided learning hours – 30%
Cambridge National in Creative iMedia | Specification: J834
At Hatcham College we also offer an ICT-based qualification in Creative iMedia which takes an engaging, practical and inspiring approach to learning and assessment. It will equip learners with a range of skills and provide opportunities to develop, in context, transferable skills such as research, planning, and review, working with others and communicating creative concepts effectively. The course is industry relevant, geared to key sector requirements and very popular with schools and colleges because it suits such a broad range of learning styles and abilities.
Students will study 2 mandatory units and choose 1 optional unit.
The two mandatory units are:
Unit R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
This is assessed by taking an exam. In this unit students will learn about the media industry, digital media products, how they are planned, and the media codes which are used to convey meaning, create impact and engage audiences.
Topics include:
- The media industry
- Factors influencing product design
- Pre-production planning
- Distribution considerations
Unit R094: Visual identity and digital graphics
This is assessed by completing a set assignment. In this unit students will learn to how to develop visual identities for clients and use the concepts of graphic design to create original digital graphics to engage target audiences.
Topics include:
- Develop visual identity
- Plan digital graphics for products
- Create visual identity and digital graphics
The optional unit:
Unit R097: Interactive digital media
This is assessed by completing a set assignment. In this unit students will learn how to plan, create and review interactive digital media products.
Topics include:
- Plan interactive digital media
- Create interactive digital media
- Review interactive digital media
Key Stage 4 Homework
Pupils are set homework once per week. This might include an exam question, a revision task or a research assignment which encourages them to apply what they have learnt in class to examples in the real world.
How is this subject assessed?
Students are assessed through class work, quizzes, homework, walking talking mock exams and formal Pre-Public Examinations. Students are routinely required to complete exam responses in timed conditions during lessons and they receive detailed feedback in response to algorithmic questions, programming activities and homework in addition to feedback they receive for assessments or exam papers that they complete.
How does this subject fulfil SMSC needs?
Students are continually reflecting on their own lives and the lives of others as they look at various technology-based case studies. Computing provides opportunities to reflect on how computers have impacted us as a society and where students fit into as young citizens. As part of our curriculum students are taught about the digital divide, online safety and social networking. Students are taught to understand the moral responsibility they have as computer users.
How does the subject challenge more able pupils?
More able pupils are challenged through effective questioning that encourages pupils to explore and engage with higher level computational thinking and programming concepts. More able pupils will be given regular algorithmic activities and research case studies that will allow them to further their learning from class. Extension work is built into the curriculum and often gives more able pupils the chance to explore more challenging issues in Computing and other programming languages.
What provision is made for pupils with SEND?
Pupils with SEND are supported through effective use of learning support assistants and through the development of specific classroom materials designed to give additional support to pupils who require it. All Computing pupils are given appropriate modelling and scaffolding, often using technology in the classroom to encourage their learning; for pupils of SEND this is carefully designed to support their varying needs. Across all Key stages, our resources are differentiated to support students varying learning abilities.
Enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities
JS Code Club – weekly @ lunch - With projects that vary from programming Raspberry Pi’s to dynamic websites with JavaScript, lunchtimes in J11 will never be boring! Coding Club explores various programming languages, technology and more stretching your skill and imagination.
KS4 Computing – weekly after school - GCSE Computer Science students are welcome to gain a deeper understanding of topics covered in lesson, receive 1-2-1 support and spend more time at your own pace on programming or theoretical CS work.
The Bebras Computing Challenge is an annual program dedicated to inspiring students to take interest in computer science. It is a global program that takes place in November each year. At Hatcham College we participate in this challenge and all students are welcome to take part in!
Useful websites