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Haberdashers' Hatcham College

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Contact Us

Executive Principal

Ms Katie Scott

Assistant to Principal: Ms Kathie Wheble
Email: k.wheble@habstrustsouth.org.uk 


Years 7-9 Campus

Haberdashers' Hatcham College
Jerningham Campus,
Jerningham Road,
SE14 5NY

Years 10-13 Campus

Haberdashers' Hatcham College
Pepys Campus,
Pepys Road,
SE14 5SF

General Enquiries 

General enquiries to Ms Kathie Wheble (EA to Principal)
Email: hatchamcollege@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Tel: 020 7652 9510
Twitter @HabsHatcham

Parent, Prospective Parent and Attendance Enquiries

School Email - Parents of Existing Studentshatchamcollege@habstrustsouth.org.uk

Attendance Email - Student Absence or Lateness  | hatchamattendance@habstrustsouth.org.uk

Admission Email - Prospective Parents hatchamadmissions@habstrustsouth.org.uk


Mr Wilfrid Jones,  Assistant Principal (Inclusion)
Email: w.jones@habstrustsouth.org.uk


Please see our Safeguarding page for details of our Designated Safeguarding Leads and how to report concerns


Main School Contacts

Executive Principal - Ms Katie Scott


Executive Assistant to Senior Leadership Team - Ms Kathie Wheble


Vice Principals: 


Mr Dave Webb 


Ms Niamh McGuinness




Mr Wilfrid Jones 


Assistant Principals: 


 Raising Standards - Mr John Deane 


Teaching, Learning & Assessment - Ms Sophie Pia 


Personal Development - Abigail Davis 


 Key Stage 3- Mr Tom Pritchard 


 Key Stage 4 - Ms Anieka Caynes 


 Sixth Form - Ms Hannah Kennedy 


Associate Assistant Principals: 


 Head of Y13 and Social Sciences - Mr Dan Crowley 


 Head of Professional Learning and Y7 - Miss Jenetta Hurst 


 Extended Hatcham Leadership Team: 


 Curriculum Director of English - Mr Harry Norman-Walker 


 Head of Mathematics -  Mrs Tamara Sherer 


 Head of Science - Mr Rob Benson 


 Head of Humanities and Head of History - Ms Estelle Cooch 


 Director of Music - Dr Anna Van Veldhuisen


 Head of Art & Design -  Mrs Jacqueline Bowens 


 Director of Sport - Mr Andy Waddingham 


 Head of Modern Foreign Languages - Ms Sam Ryan 


 Head of Years: 


 Year 7 - Ms Charlotte Runnicles 


Year 8 - Ms Olivia Bašic


 Year 9 - Mr Jordan Rowling 


 Year 10 - Ms Eleanor Pells


 Year 11 - Mr Alex Sampson 


 Year 12 - Ms Ayo Opara 


 Year 13 - Mr Dan Crowley 


Year 13 - Mrs Catherine Hamilton 


Local Governing Body

Please see our Governors page for details of our Governing Body and how to contact them

Our Trust (owners) 

Haberdashers' Academies Trust South 
Registered name and address:
Haberdashers' Aske's Federation Trust (England), Pepys Road, London SE14 5SF
Registered company number 0202535091

Email | contact@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Phone | 020 7652 9516  
Website | www.habstrustsouth.org.uk 

Freedom of Information and Data Requests

To make a Freedom of Information, Subject Access or other request for information, please contact us using the email below: 

Email: datarequests@habstrustsouth.org.uk 

Our Freedom of Information policy and Guide to Published information can be found on the Trust Policies page


For complaints about the school please contact the school directly in the first instance using the contact details listed above. Please refer to the Complaints from Parents / Carers Policy (which can be foundhere) for full details of the process involved in progressing a complaint. If you are not sure where your complaint is in the process or who to direct it to please contact complaints@habstrustsouth.org.uk  

Media Enquiries 

For any media enquiries:
Email: media@habstrustsouth.org.uk  
Phone: 020 7652 9573
