Head of department | Mr Waddingham |
Subject Overview
At Haberdashers’ Hatcham College, students enjoy fantastic facilities and open space at our Nunhead playing fields, which are approximately 10 minutes’ walk from the Pepys site and 20 minutes’ walk from the Jerningham site. We ensure that all practical lessons provide students the opportunity to experience a range of experiences to provide the knowledge and skills to promote lifelong physical activity. We have a large extracurricular provision where many of our students train weekly and attend fixtures. We compete in a number of tournaments and competitions nationally and in the borough of Lewisham in a range of different sports. In addition to the compulsory core Physical Education lessons, we offer GCSE PE and BTEC Tech Award in Sport at Key Stage 4 and BTEC Level 3 in Sport and Exercise Science at Key Stage 5.
All sporting fixtures and results for the year can be found on our school sports website here: https://sports.habshatcham.org.uk/
Key Stage 3 Overview
In keeping with our department aim to provide all students “the opportunity to experience a range of experiences to provide the knowledge and skills to promote lifelong physical activity” students will take part in a range of different physical activities during Key Stage 3. Students will be assessed in a range of themes – focused on what they know (knowledge), show (movement competence and skills) and grow (social aspects relating to PE).
Year 7 topics
6 sports
A variety of team and individual activities including: Rugby / Netball / Fitness / Dance / Gym / Athletics / Striking & Fielding
All Year 7 students will study the same activities but not necessarily at the same time.
Year 8 topics
6 sports
A variety of team and individual activities including: Football / Table Tennis / Hockey / Outdoor Adventurous Activities / Athletics / Striking & Fielding
All Year 8 students will study the same type of sports/activities but not necessarily at the same time.
Year 9 topics
6 sports
A variety of team and individual activities including: Invasion games / Volleyball / Fitness / Alternative sports / Athletics / Striking & Fielding
All Year 9 students will study the same 6 sports/activities but not necessarily at the same time.
Key Stage 3 Homework
There are half termly quizzes set on Microsoft forms reflecting on content learnt in the previous half term.
Key Stage 4 Overview
All students will continue to have a double period of PE each week, where they will have a choice of four sports each half term. Students will begin to take on a greater role in their learning with the main focus to promote lifelong participation in sports and physical activity and encourage a healthy lifestyle.
We understand that not all students learn the same and so in our Key Stage 4 provision we have two courses available, one more suited to the type of learner that is assessed in a modular fashion via predominantly coursework/practical assessment with one exam (BTEC Tech Award in Sport) and another that is predominantly assessed by exam: two exams at the end of Year 11 with one short piece of coursework (GCSE). Both courses have a practical element.
Year 10 / 11 Options:
BTEC Tech Award in Sport:
Component 1: Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity (Internally assessed: coursework and practical)
Component 2: Taking Part and Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance (Internally assessed: coursework and practical)
Component 3: Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity (Exam)
30% - performance in 3 practical sports and one piece of coursework.
70 % - 2 x 1h 15 minute exams at the end of Year 11
Topics studied:
Physical training/applied anatomy and physiology/movement analysis/aerobic and anaerobic exercise/cardiorespiratory system/health and fitness.
Sport psychology/sociocultural influences/commercialisation of physical activity and sport/ethical issues/use of data
How is this qualification assessed?
BTEC Tech Award in Sport
Coursework and practically assessed in components 1 and 2. Component 3 is a 1h 30 minute exam worth 60 marks.
Exam board: AQA
Exam paper(s):
Paper 1(30%): 1 hour 15mins – The human body and movement in physical activity and sport (Applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis [ biomechanics], physical training, use of data)
Paper 2 (30%): 1 hour 15mins – Socio-cultural influences, health, fitness and well-being in physical activity and sport (sports psychology, socio-cultural influences, health, fitness and well-being, use of data)
NEA – Non-examination assessment (40% - 100 marks)
Practical (30%): 3 sports (75marks) – Must have at least 1 team and 1 individual sport
For each sport:
10 marks –Skills in progressive drills/15marks-skills in match play (25marks per sport)
Coursework (10%): Analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity (has to be 1 of their 3 practical sports). (25marks)
Key Stage 4 Homework
GCSE PE: Predominantly application through 6/9-mark questions, practice papers, drawing labelled diagrams e.g. the three types of lever and applying them to a sporting action. Linking e.g. discussing the link between the agonist, the joint movement and the plane and axes of the body/revision tasks.
Coursework based: completion of elements of the assignment.
BTEC Tech Award in Sport: Practice questions/creating revision cards for the exam and completion of elements of assignments for coursework.
How does this subject fulfil SMSC needs?
Social: In PE students learn independence and interdependence and learn to realise that working as a team to achieve a shared goal is more efficient than trying to do it alone. Students will study themes relating to resilience, self confidence, communication etc during Key Stage 3 and 4.
Moral: Students take on the roles of officials to assist them in learning and understanding the rules and the consequences if broken, this also allows them to develop a respect for those in these roles when they are playing. We also instil the concept of sportsmanship and helping those in your team to develop. Students are then able to respond to both success and defeat with dignity and have the commitment to continue trying. Sportsmanship is encouraged and emphasised through regular house competitions which take place in PE lessons and after school during the school year, culminating in Sports Day at the end of the year.
Spiritual: Students learn to cope with their emotions in a socially acceptable way during competitive situations.
Cultural: Students learn that different ethnicities and genders are more likely to participate in sports hugely linked with the role models and the media coverage they see in these sports.
How does the subject challenge more able pupils?
Schemes of work include advanced skills, techniques and tactics not necessarily in the National Curriculum to push students to achieve their full potential. Use of assessment of knowledge, movement competence and social skills ensure students no matter of ability have suitable challenge during lessons. We recommend students to attend outside clubs to further their sporting ability. All teachers use data to inform planning and differentiate questions effectively.
What provision is made for pupils with SEND?
Quality first teaching in all of our lessons places an emphasis on high-quality inclusive teaching that utilises a range of strategies to support the learning of pupils with SEND. There might be differentiation by task, for example, using a passive defender (shadowing- not able to make a steal or tackle) rather than an active defender (working at full capacity) and modifying equipment e.g. shorter handled tennis rackets / larger ball in Table Tennis. Within the academic PE groups; templates for assignments to achieve criteria; use of modelling and scaffolding of extended answer questions assists all students achieve the learning aims of the lesson. "
Enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities
We run an extensive extra-curricular programme, which we are incredibly proud of. This can be found on the enrichment timetable. This year we have run a variety of clubs and activities, largely influenced by student voice. These have included: Volleyball, Table Tennis, Football, Basketball, Gymnastics, Trampolining, Athletics, Run Club, Rounders, Cricket, Rugby, Netball, Badminton and Fitness club.
We run teams in a variety of sports and enter several teams into local and national competitions. Currently in 2023-2024 Hatcham College have competed in over 200 fixtures across all year groups, boys and girls.
Our school sports website shows all our upcoming fixtures and results from the year and can be found here: https://sports.habshatcham.org.uk/
A number of sport related trips also run throughout the year.
During national school sports week there are even more opportunities for students to attend a range of different physical activities including rock climbing, beach volleyball and golf.
Useful websites
BBC bitesize – rules and tactics in a range of sports - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zdhs34j
Top end sports – fitness testing, sporting research - https://www.topendsports.com/
GCSE PE Specification: AQA | Physical Education | GCSE | Physical Education
BTEC Tech Award in Sport specification: https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/btec-tec-awards/sport/2022/specification-and-sample-assessments/btec-tech-award-sport-spec.pdf