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Duke of Edinburgh Award



The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It is about challenging yourself, developing skills like team-working, confidence, resilience and problem-solving that will help students stand out when applying for jobs, apprenticeships and Further Education.   

The components of the award also reflect the College’s desire to equip students with relevant life skills that will also serve them well as they make their way toward Further Education and employment. 

Hatcham College offers the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Bronze level to year 9 students, Silver level to year 10 students and Gold level to year 12 students. Students can join the DofE at any level.  

There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. 

The Volunteering section gives students and young people the chance to help in their local community/environment. The Physical section develops physical and mental health and fitness. The Skills section gives students and young people the opportunity to learn a new skill or develop an existing skill. The Expedition section involves planning, training for and completing an expedition over 2 days (Bronze), 3 days (Silver) and 4 days (Gold). For the Gold award only, there is also a residential activity where students and young people work with a team to complete a residential activity for 4 nights away from home. 

The DofE at Hatcham College is one of the largest and most successful school-based programmes in South East London. In 2021, 81 year 9 students and 44 year 10 students participated in the Bronze DofE, 36 year 10 and 11 students participated in the Silver DofE, and 14 year 12 and 13 students participated in the Gold DofE. 

More details about the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme can be found at www.dofe.org or by email: g.hancock@habstrustsouth.org.uk 


Mr G Hancock 

Head of Enrichment & Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Manager - Hatcham College