The House System
Every child belongs to one of the four houses.
In the Primary Phase these are named after British people famous for promoting excellence: In the secondary phase the houses are named after significant figures in the history of the College and are identified by colours. A senior member of staff is the Head of House.
Malorie Blackman (Green) Ms L Solomon |
CONNOLLY (Green) |
Lord Alan Sugar (Red) Ms J Trenchfield |
DYSON (Red) |
Jamie Oliver (Blue) Mrs M Robinson |
Marcus du Sautoy (Yellow) Mr Y Shodipo |
SOPER (Yellow) |
This vertical grouping is a strength of the College and the Houses provide continuity throughout a student’s school life as well as the opportunity to get to know and to identify with students of all age groups. In particular it gives older students the chance to relate to younger students and to learn skills of leadership.
All members of the Houses are encouraged to participate in a varied programme of House activities. Teamwork underpins many of the sporting competitions such as rugby, netball and cricket and also the Junior Drama Festival. Individual skills are promoted by inter-house athletic events, chess, spelling, current affairs and quizzes. To support charities, competitions are held in collecting stamps and vouchers e.g. Sainsbury’s or Tesco, and Senior Phase Houses each choose a charity to support over the year with a programme of fundraising activities.
The competitions are held after school and during lunch break.
It is hoped that all students will derive immense benefit from active involvement in the organisation of, and participation in, House events. All students compete to collect house points and the points are announced in assembly each week.