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Head of Mathematics Mrs T Sherer
Email t.sherer@habstrustsouth.org.uk

 Curriculum Overview and Philosophy

  • The Mathematics Department at Hatcham College is committed to enabling young people to thrive in the highest quality teaching and learning of Mathematics. We believe in teaching Mathematics to all pupils regardless of their age, abilities, starting points, learning needs, background, heritage, first language, ethnicity, social and/or personal circumstance.
  • We acknowledge that mathematics is a subject that rests on deeply interconnected understanding of concepts across its six strands: Number, Algebra, Ratio and proportion, Geometry, Statistics and Probability
  • The focus of our curriculum is to develop procedural knowledge of and fluency with the fundamental elements of mathematics in order for students to develop conceptual understanding, so that they can solve problems by applying this understanding to non-routine problems and reason mathematically, whilst fostering a love of maths
  • We are conscious of our impact on and responsibility to our community, and endeavour to ensure that we are providing maths for everyone through the breadth of provision we give and the additional qualifications we offer
  • The curriculum has been carefully designed to continuously interleave content throughout Key Stage 3 and 4, as well as building upon relevant knowledge from Key Stage 2. For example, when looking at multiplication and division in Year 7, we are aware that the majority of our students will be confident with the algorithms themselves. Therefore, we teach multiplication and division in the context of areas of two dimensional shapes, multiplying algebraic terms, metric conversions and calculating the mean.
  • The Curriculum focuses on teaching in a sequence that provides building blocks for pupils to access future topics, ensuring that students are challenged through the depth of understanding rather than accelerating through content


How is this subject assessed?

In Key stage 3, the students sit two sets of formal exams, with shorter assessments each half term. These will test both the knowledge and skills that students have recently acquired, as well as the knowledge and skills from the previous years. Due to the nature of our subject, all new learning rests on previous learning, and any given question really spans several academic years.


In Key Stage 4, students will sit two sets of formal Pre-Public examinations, in addition to regular in class summative and formative assessment. We enter students for the Edexcel qualification at either the Higher or Foundation tier. There are 3 papers, 1 non-calculator and 2 calculator papers, each worth a third of the overall grade.


In Key stage 5, students will sit two sets of formal Pre-Public examinations, in addition to end of unit summative assessments. We enter students for the Edexcel qualification for both A level Maths and A level Further Maths.

A level Maths comprises of 3 exams, 2 Pure Maths papers and 1 Applied Maths paper (Statistics and Mechanics). They are worth a third of the overall grade each, and calculators are allowed for all exams.

A level Further Maths is a double qualification, meaning that students will sit all of the A level Maths exams in addition to Further Maths exams in Core Pure 1, Core Pure 2 and two modules of their choice (Further Pure 1 and 2, Further Mechanics, Further Statistics or Decision).

What homework is provided?


All homework is set on our online learning platform: Sparx Maths. Students should expect to receive an hour of homework per week, and Sparx Maths supports them with videos demonstrating the concepts if they need additional help completing the tasks.


Homework is set on our online learning platform: Sparx Maths. Students should expect to receive at least 2 hours of homework per week.

In addition to the tasks on Sparx Maths, Year 11 will be expected to complete an exam paper each week using Dr Frost Maths.


Homework is set on our online learning platform : Dr Frost Maths. Students should expect to receive at least 3 hours of homework per week.

What extra-curricular activities does your subject provide

  • Targeted intervention groups for Year 11 and 13
  • Key Stage 3 Maths support club
  • Junior, Intermediate and Senior Maths challenge
  • Royal Institution Maths masterclasses
  • Maths feast
  • Year 7 scholarship launching September 2023

What useful websites do you recommend?


 We take a carefully progressive and sequential approach to our delivery of curriculum content. Specifically, we ensure that whilst students are given opportunities to practise numeracy as a matter of routine, we also very deliberately interweave aspects of problem-solving and deep conceptual understanding throughout. Students are given ample opportunity to develop their fluency across geometry, algebra and data handling.


Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Sequences Ratio and Scale Straight line graphs
Understand and use algebraic notation Multiplicative change Equations and expressions
Equality and equivalence Multiplication and division of fractions Three dimensional shapes
Place value & ordering integers and decimals Working in the Cartesian plane Number
FDP Equivalence Representing data Constructions and congruency
Solving problems with addition and subtraction Probability Using percentages
Solving problems with multiplication and division Brackets, equations and inequalities Geometric deduction
Fractions and percentages of amounts Sequences Rotation and translation
Operations and equations with directed numbers Indices Pythagoras theorem
Addition and subtraction with fractions Fractions and percentages Enlargement and similarity
Constructing, measuring and using geometric notation Standard index form Trigonometry
Developing geometric reasoning Angles in parallel lines and polygons Ratio and proportion
Developing number sense + Primes, factors and multiple Area of trapezia and circles Rates
Sets and probability Line symmetry and reflection Probability
  The data handling cycle Algebraic representations
  Measures of location  


Students continue to be taught new topics, such as Circle Theorems. They are introduced to higher applications of the algebra they have been taught in Key Stage 3. Increasingly they are exposed to problem-solving that is multi-disciplinary in terms of the mathematical topics they will need to have mastered.


Year 10

Higher Foundation
Roots, indices, standard form and surds Estimation and types of number
Algebraic manipulation Algebraic manipulation
Sequences Measures of central tendency
Representing data Representing data
Bearings and Loci Angles in parallel lines and polygons
Trigonometry Volume and surface area of prisms
Compound measures Fractions, decimals and percentages
Volume and surface area of prisms, spheres and cones Transformations
Straight line graphs Solving equations and inequalities
Graphs of curved functions Sequences
Solving quadratic equations Pythagoras theorem
Simultaneous equations and inequalities Trigonometry
Transformations Constructions, bearings and loci
Similarity and congruence Ratio and direct proportion
Sine and cosine rule, 3D trigonometry Fraction calculations
Probability Index laws
Direct and inverse proportion Standard form


Year 11

Higher Foundation
Further Statistics Estimation, HCF, LCM and fraction calculations
Equations and graphs Algebraic manipulation including quadratics
Circle theorems Probability including set notation
Further algebra Geometric reasoning
Vectors and geometric proof Ratio, proportion and compound measures
Graphs and proportion Pythagoras, trigonometry and area of circles
  Graphs and averages
  Equations, inequalities and straight line graphs
  Percentages and standard index form
  Surface area and volume


 Students’ understanding of algebra is built upon to construct robust proofs, solve new types of equations and consider a variety of functions. Students are increasingly exposed to new content, while also getting familiar to applications of Mathematics in the form of Statistics and Mechanics.


Year 12

Pure Applied
Algebra and functions Statistical sampling
Circle geometry in the (x,y) plane Data presentation and interpretation
Further Algebra Probability
Trigonometry Statistical distributions
Vectors Hypothesis testing
Differentiation Units and quantities in Mechanics
Integration Kinematics – Constant acceleration
Exponentials and logarithms Forces and Newton’s laws
Algebraic and partial fractions Variable acceleration


Year 13

Pure Applied
Algebra and functions Probability
Series Normal distribution
Trigonometry Moments
Parametric curves Friction
Differentiation Projectiles
Numerical methods Applications of forces
Integration Vector kinematics