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Medical and Social Applications for Year 7 Admissions

Parents wishing to apply for admission under the medical and social criterion will need to apply and send all supporting documents to the school by Friday 18th October 2024. At Hatcham college we request that you include a cover letter from the parent/carer explaining why the secondary school is the only school able to meet your child's specific needs. 

The application will also need to be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional confirming the child's specific need and why this school would be best suited for the child. 


Definition of Medical and Social

1. Medical - If a child or the parent/carer of that child has a medical condition, that is a serious chronic health condition, or one that would cause significant hardship or risk if the child could not attend the preferred school. 

2. Social - If a child or a parent/carer of that child has a social need that would cause significant hardship or risk if the child could not attend the preferred school. 

3. All schools can produce and supply resources to work with special educational needs and common childhood complaints such as asthma. 


In making your case please note:

This evidence must set out the particular reasons why Hatcham College is the only suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child attended another school.

The evidence needs to be from a member of an organisational body such as  a doctor, social worker, therapist etc. 


If you would like to speak to a member of staff regarding an application under this criteria, please contact our Admissions Team at hatchamadmissions@habstrustsouth.org.uk