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DNA Celebrates Black History Month


Dear All,


As you are aware it is Black History Month I think it’s important we continue recognise, acknowledge, learn, and celebrate BHM through the Arts. 


The DNA website showcases black history and current, through the world of Art and Design, celebrating the work of artists, photographers and designers from different cultures and backgrounds. 


We have showcased the work of our DNA students who have responded in the past or recently with work relating to the theme of culture and identity. 


There is an Art competition for DNA students, who wish to submit an artwork in response to this annual event. You can learn more about this competition and the past and current work of our DNA students by visiting our DNA website


We hope you enjoy learning more about the work of black artists and designers and seeing the creative work from our talented DNA students. 


Art is about changing what we see in our everyday lives and representing it in such a way that gives us hope. - Kehinde Wiley

 Mrs Bowens 

 Head of Art