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Introduction to new Vice-Principal

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a new member of our Hatcham Leadership Team who will be joining the College in the role of Vice Principal (Achievement & Standards), from 1st June 2020. James Heafield is joining us from another school within the Federation and is familiar with our Askean culture and ethos. In 2015, he joined the Haberdashers' Askes' Federation as Senior Leader with responsibility for setting up a new Sixth Form. He is a local resident in Lewisham having lived here since 2009. Mr Heafield read Philosophy & Politics at the University of Manchester before studying a Masters' degree in Philosophy at King's College London. He started his career in the Harris Federation and has previously held roles as Head of Religious Studies and Coordinator of Humanities & Social Sciences. He has keen interests outside of work and enjoys playing tennis and is captain of a South London hockey team. We warmly welcome him and are looking forward to him starting after half term.

Please see full letter from the Principal here