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Haberdashers' Hatcham College

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Contacting Staff

If you need to contact a member of staff, we recommend that you email them in the first instance. This is due to their busy teaching schedules which can make it difficult for them to speak to you on the phone during the school day.   

We ask that staff respond within 48 working hours. 

If your query relates to a safeguarding matter, please use this email address. This is monitored at all times: hatchamsafeguarding@habstrustsouth.org.uk  

Staff email addresses generally follow the rule of  firstinitial.surname@habstrustsouth.org.uk, However, there are occasionally exceptions to that rule. 

For general enquiries please email hatchamcollege@habstrustsouth.org.uk  

Below is a list of staff whose email addresses may be of assistance to you. 

Heads of Faculty / Departments

English - Head of English (Acting) Mr Harry Norman-Walker h.walker@habstrustsouth.org.uk
English Second in Charge (Acting) Ms Judi Ellard j.ellard@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
College Literacy Coordinator
Maths - Head of Faculty  Mrs Tamara Sherer t.sherer@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Maths Second in Charge KS3
Maths Second in Charge KS5 Miss Jordanne Armstrong j.armstrong@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Computing  Ms Kwee Yong  k.yong@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Science - Head of Faculty  Mr Rob Benson  r.benson@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Science Second in Charge KS3 Mr Marios Spyros  m.spyrou@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Head of Biology  Mr Linton Lahoud l.lahoud@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Chemistry and Lead Practitioner (Science) Mrs Miriam Travers m.travers1@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Physics Mr Dave Mahoney  d.mahoney@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Humanities - Head of Faculty (History) Ms Estelle Cooch  e.cooch@habstrutsouth.org.uk 
Head of Geography  Mr Sami Zeglam  s.zeglam@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Religious Studies Ms Arsha Qamar a.qamar@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Politics Mr Mo Choudhary  m.choudhury@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Director of Music Faculty Dr Anna van Veldhuisen a.vanveldhuisen@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Head of Music 2iC (KS3) Miss Issy McMichael i.mcmichael@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Head of Music 2iC (KS4 and KS5) Mr Jason Taing j.taing@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Instrumental Music Coordinator Mr John Human j.human@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Director of Sport Mr Andy Waddingham  a.waddingham@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Social Sciences - Head of Faculty  Mr Dan Crowley  d.crowley@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Psychology  Mr Paniko Koureas p.koureas@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Sociology Miss Bethany Pickernell b.pickernell@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Head of Business Studies  Ms Blanadah Read  b.read@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Economics and Law Mr Ben Rutledge b.rutledge@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Head of Art Mrs Jacqui Bowens  j.bowens@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Drama Mr Ben Redfearn  b.redfearn@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) and French Ms Sam Ryan  s.ryan@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Head of German 
Head of Spanish  Ms Erika Obesso-Araujo   e.obessoaraujo@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Head of Latin  Mr Sam Thompson  s.thompson@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
English as an additional language (EAL) Ms Patricia Santome p.santome@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
PSHCE (Key Stage 3) Mr Tom Pritchard  t.pritchard@habstrustsouth.org.uk
PSHCE (Key Stage 4) Ms Anieka Caynes a.caynes@habstrustsouth.org.uk
PSHCE (Key Stage 5)
Ms Hannah Kennedy  h.kennedy@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Director of Inclusion  Mr Wilfred Jones



Heads of Year

Year 7 Ms Charlotte Runnicles


Year 8 Ms Olivia Bašic


Year 9 Mr Jordan Rowling


Year 10 Ms Eleanor Pells 


Year 11 Mr Alex Sampson a.sampson@habstrustsouth.org.uk
Year 12 Ms Ayo Opara a.opara@habstrustsouth.org.uk 
Year 13 Mrs Catherine Hamilton


Year 13 Mr Dan Crowley d crowley@habstrustsouth.org.uk