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Individual Music Lessons

The instrumental music programme is delivered by over 30 peripatetic music teachers and offers a huge array of different instrumental opportunities for students, from more traditional classical piano, wind, brass, and string instruments, to the Steel Pans, Djembe, drum kit, guitars, and music tech, rapping, beatboxing, live looping and DJ'ing. Instrumental and vocal teaching is accessible to all students in Year 7-13. 

We offer tuition on the following instruments and voices:

Strings Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Harp
Woodwind Recorder, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophones
Brass Trumpet, Cornet, French Horn, Euphonium, Trombone, Tuba
Percussion Djembe, Drum Kit, Orchestral Percussion and Steel Pans
Guitars Acoustic, Classical, Electric and Bass Guitar, Ukulele
Piano All styles of piano
Vocals All styles of singing

We also offer individual lessons in music theory, composition, music tech, DJ'ing, rapping, beatboxing and live looping. 

Lessons are taught by a group of talented professional musicians and teachers to work in partnership with us and are committed to raising the profile of music here at Hatcham College. Find out more about our Music faculty here.

How to apply for music lessons

Lessons are available from the start of each term. If your child wishes to start lessons next term please complete the form below. If there is space for your child to begin lessons you will then be contacted regarding your application and a payment will be requested if applicable: 


Please ensure that you have read through the information below in our frequently asked questions, regarding payment for lessons and also our terms and conditions. 

If there is spaces available on the music teacher's timetable, your child will start lessons the following term. 

For more details and any questions about instrumental lessons, please contact hhcinstrumentalmusic@habstrustsouth.org.uk, or speak to Mr Human, Instrumental Music Coordinator and Mr Taing, Head of Music 2iC (KS4 and KS5).

Frequently Asked questions - music lessons

When do lessons take place?

Lessons take place during the normal school day (8.30am until 3.05pm) although some teachers start their day at 8am and some finish at 5pm. Students will be timetabled so that minimal disruption is caused to their normal school timetable. Lesson times normally rotate each week and in most circumstances you will not miss part of the same school lesson more than twice during the same half-term.

Timetables are emailed out to parents and students and a copy of the timetable will also be on a display in the music corridor on both sites. All lessons take place within the music department.

How much do lessons cost?

An individual 30 minute one-to-one lesson costs £22.75. Group djembe and steel pan lessons costs £15 per 45 minute lesson. There are 30 lessons taught across the academic year.

How is it paid for?

Payment is required every term in advance via ParentPay.

In order to make payment, please log in your child ParentPay account. Please email our admin team on hahadminsupport@habstrustsouth.org.uk for any questions regarding your access to your ParentPay account, copying in hhcinstrumentalmusic@habstrustsouth.org.uk.

As all our instrumental teachers take on various freelance work and performances there is a level of flexibility when it comes to their teaching work. We endeavour to make sure that all students receive 30 lessons across the year but if for any reason your child does not receive this number of lessons by the end of the academic year then this would of course be refunded to you.

Autumn Term (September-December): 12 lessons

Spring Term (January-April): 10 lessons

Summer Term (April-July): 8 lessons

Does anyone receive free music tuition?

Some students are eligible for free music lessons on one instrument:

  • Music Placeholders in Year 7-9
  • Students studying GCSE, BTEC, RSL or A Level Music on a needs basis in consultation with the Music faculty

Pupil Premium students will be charged a £2.50 admin fee per lesson. Should this be an issue, please do let us know. 

Should a student not meet the attendance or behaviour requirements during any one term the school reserves the right to withdraw lessons until further notice.

What if I do not have my own instrument?

Hatcham own a large number of instruments that are available for loan to students who are taking lessons. Please ask us for more details on the availability of specific instruments. Loan periods may need to be capped to allow more students to start particular instruments. You might like to buy your own instrument or get an instrument on loan from a separate company. If in doubt, ask the instrumental teacher first, who will be able to give buying advice.

Families loaning an instrument will be charged a nominal fee each half term to cover maintenance/repair costs of the instruments. Should this be an issue, please do let us know. 

Instrumental staff contact list


Mrs Sian Collins 

Mr Benji Day  

Guitar/Bass Guitar

Mr Arthur Bently

Mr Mihail Majetic 

Miss Barbara Matos

Mr Marek Tymkow

Ms Lucy Shaw (Bass Guitar)


Mr John Human

Mr Victor Aguirre Minarro

Miss Jessica Berry

Miss Catriona Bourne

Mr Noam Greenberg

Mr Jack Redman

Miss Ella Sandin

Miss Serena Sheane

Miss Evi Wang


Mr David Holmes (Percussion and Drum Kit)

Mr Manuel Filgueiras (Percussion and Drum Kit)

Mr Kwame Anomah (Djembe, Percussion and Drum Kit)

Ms Desrine Nelson (Steel Pans)


Miss Catriona Bourne (Flute)

Ms Kim Reilly (Flute) 

Miss Serena Sheane (Flute)

Miss Ella Sandin (Flute, Clarinet and Saxophone)

Mr John Human (Oboe)

Mr Leslie Wynne Jones (Clarinet and Saxophone) 

Miss Jessica Berry (Flute, Saxophone and Bassoon)


Mrs Stephanie Stahlmann (Violin and Viola)

Mr Peter Poole (Violin and Viola)

Mrs Marianne Rist (Cello)

Mr Victor Aguirre Minarro (All Strings)

Ms Lucy Shaw (Double Bass)

Miss Catriona Bourne (Harp)


Miss Zoe Jackson

Mr Tom Stoddart 

Music Tech, Rap, Beatboxing and Live Looping

Ms Jasmine Kahlia


Mr Daryl Plummer


Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Instrumental and Vocal Tuition

  1. Full payment is required every term in advance via ParentPay.
  2. Payment constitutes an agreement to proceed with lessons for the term. No refunds will be given.
  3. Late applications will be accepted subject to tutor availability.
  4. If a student is unable to attend their timetabled lesson for a legitimate reason and with a minimum notice period of at least 48 hours’ notice being given to the teacher/music faculty by email, the lesson will be rescheduled.
  5. In the event that a tutor is unavailable for a lesson the lesson will automatically be rescheduled as close to the original date as possible, or at the end of a term.
  6. Students are expected to attend all timetabled lessons. Absences without at least 48 hours’ notification may be reported to parents/carers via email. Regular absence where the student is in school and does not give at least 48 hours’ notification may result in lessons being stopped.
  7. Students are expected to attend all lessons with suitable equipment and music.

If a student wishes to stop instrumental/vocal lessons 6 weeks’ notice should be given to Mr Taing, Head of Music 2iC (KS4 and KS5) and Mr Human, Instrumental Music Coordinator via email j.taing@habstrustsouth.org.uk and j.human@habstrustsouth.org.uk .