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Haberdashers' Hatcham College

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Learning Resource Centre

The Libraries are an integral and valued part of life at Hatcham College. 

Each site (the lower school and upper school) has its own library, with books and learning material carefully curated to support students throughout all stages of their learning. Both LRCs have a wide range of non-fiction books, study guides and text books that complement students’ lessons. We also have an exciting and up-to-date variety of fiction that ensures that there’s something for everyone. Reading for pleasure is of course an important principal we hold dear.

We host a variety of events in the LRC including writing competitions, author visits and quizzes.  We display children's work and encourage their participation in many activities. We believe reading should be fun and, above all else, we want the LRC to be a place where students can enjoy choosing books that interest them – a key way in which libraries can help students cultivate reading for pleasure.

We celebrate and highlight many important events every year, World Book Day and National Poetry Day and many more and ensure the Library remains a forum for debate, creativity and ideas.   We believe that a love of literacy is the foundation of all knowledge.

Opening times 

Monday – Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm

  • You can borrow up to 3 books for up to 3 weeks (5 books for 6th Formers). 
  • Books may be renewed if you need longer to read them.

The Librarians

Ms Cadogan l.cadogan@habstrustsouth.org.uk

Ms K. El-Asri  k.el-asri@habstrustsouth.org.uk  

The Library Management System   

Log in to Library Management System  

All students and staff have access to the Library Management System from school, their home computers or tablets enabling them to search for books, reserve a book, check overdues, read and write reviews. You can also access websites that are chosen for their suitability to school age.

Reading Lists


This section is currently being updated.

The LRC staff are always happy to recommend books so if you’re not sure what to read next just ask us!

The Power of Reading Challenge

Students are challenged to read 30 books in a year and submit a review for each book.