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Haberdashers' Hatcham College

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Trips and Visits

College Visits

Visits are arranged by school departments and subjects during the year.

These are a valuable extension to the curriculum and often relate to topics studied in the classroom, e.g. theatre trips, visits to factories, farms, museums and art galleries etc.

We expect all students to take part in these group outings and if there is any problem with finances please contact the class or form teacher.

Some visits will involve students representing the College e.g. for sport or musical events.

Information about the visit will always be sent in advance to parents, and a reply slip will be attached for permission and/or payment. Students will not be able to go unless the permission slip is returned, and prompt replies are appreciated.

For day trips it is usual for uniform to be worn, and this is often requested by the host institution. Day trips will normally begin and end at College. Parents/guardians will be notified of any change to this prior to the visit taking place.

School Journey

The College Code of Conduct applies on any trip or journey.