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Haberdashers' Hatcham College

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Curriculum Director Rob Benson
Email r.benson@habstrustsouth.org.uk



Physics is the study of the mechanisms that underpin physical reality. It is the discipline that seeks to understand and map the rules and patterns that govern all aspects of the observable universe, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. The Physics curriculum across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 revolves around the central themes of Energy, Particles and Forces. Through the study of these larger themes, other associated fields are interwoven and provide practical context. Magnetism, particles, states of matter, waves and electricity are presented cyclically throughout Key Stage 3 and return in Years 10 and 11. These topics provide insight and knowledge about the cornerstones of our everyday world and the role of our common technology. They also provide insight about larger-scale phenomena and the grandeur and power of mankind’s most sophisticated technological achievements. We keep to the requirements of the National Curriculum and will expand this with incorporating the latest research into lessons and getting students to research latest developments in the ever-changing field of Physics. We start the curriculum with the topic on Forces and work our way towards how we can use Energy and finally looking at the Particle model. This takes students on a systemic journey so that at each phase they are learning content built from the previous stage. Skills are embedded throughout the study of Physics, skills such as, development of scientific thinking, experimental skills and strategies, being able to analyse and evaluate information and using scientific vocabulary, quantities, units, symbols and nomenclature. We aim to provide students with the Physics knowledge to assess and comprehend the world around them and to see the boundless opportunities and promise of new discoveries. The knowledge of Physics we possess and teach is a legacy to be passed on, a birth right purchased by each successive generation. It is a discipline in constant evolution as our knowledge increases. It is the discipline that allows us to see the world as it is and to harness the endless opportunities inherent in our reality.