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Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2023-2024)



pupil premium strategy 2023 24.pdf



Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2022-2023)

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2021-2022)

Pupil Premium Strategy Hatcham College 2021-2022

Previous Pupil Premium Statement (2020-2021)




Intended Impact

Revision Guides and Support

Each department provides PP students with their own revision guide or workbook for use at home


Improve outcomes for disadvantaged students by providing extra resources

Lunch Club

For those disadvantaged students with SEND there is a regular lunchtime homework club to give them support with their homework, so they don’t fall behind


When students may not get as much support to complete homework - this offers a place where they know there is someone there to support them should they need it

LRC After School

Providing the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) with extended hours (8am – 5pm in the KS4 site) that are staffed to offer support and a productive working environment for students


Extended hours gives pupil premium students and opportunity to use the computers, research and takes books or videos from the library

Sixth Form Reading Room

Providing the Reading Room with extended hours (8am – 5pm in the KS5 site) that are staffed to offer support and a productive working environment for students


Extended hours helps those pupil premium students with a place to work - and an opportunity of support in UCAS applications

KS4 Admin Assistant

A dedicated KS4 admin assistant who monitors attendance, parents’ evening attendance helps the work of the KS4 team monitor, track and intervene where necessary


Improve attendance to parents' evening and supports parent engagement of pupil premium students.

Additional English and Mathematics Intervention

Identified disadvantaged students who are in danger of falling behind in Year 10 and 11 by providing extra English and Maths intervention lessons


Reduce the gap in English and Mathematics between pupil premium and non-pupil premium students

Attendance Support and Monitoring

Working in collaboration with Lewisham – Lesley Chatfield (Lewisham Attendance Officer) supports our drive for regular attendance. Working alongside the Assistant Principals, Heads of Year and School Admin team – as well as wider social services – the attendance officer identifies strategies to improve attendance and highlights the support available for disadvantaged families.


Reduce the absence rate of PP students to a minimum of 96%

Additional LSAs

We employ two LSAs (one full time, one part time) who are working in the inclusion department and are trained specifically in dyslexia support and mental health awareness.


Offer targeted and high-quality in-lesson support to aid pupil premium students with their lessons. This runs alongside the Quality First Teaching initiative.

Young Carers Club

A member of the welfare team has established the young carers club which offers a place to share emotions and seek support for their own wellbeing


Those most vulnerable students have a safe place to discuss challenges and a platform to share

Trips and Experiences

Pupil premium students are offered trips to support their learning. Pupil Premium students are encouraged to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme


Have a larger increase in pupil premium students participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme

Careers Programme

Careers intervention programme designed by our National Award-Winning Careers Advisor aimed at preparing disadvantaged students for transitions into Year 10 and Year 12. Disadvantaged pupils have access to extended personalised careers interviews, a Careers Fair and world of work trips that raise aspirations


Have 0% NEET students with all leavers on a career, further training or university route

Targeted Intervention

Targeted intervention sessions where students have been invited into school during Saturdays or during holidays to enable them to complete revision activities or catch up with any outstanding coursework.


Reduce any gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium in any

Music Lessons

We offer peri-music classes for those Pupil Premium children who want to take those lessons. These are free of charge for those children. We currently have 30 students having free music lessons.


Support the students who may not be able to afford specialist music lessons.

DNA Resources

We purchase pupil premium students in DNA (Art and Textiles) resources that they can use at home to ensure that they can access the entire curriculum.


Ensure there is no gap between the pupil premium and non-pupil premium students

Previous Pupil Premium Statement (2019-2020) 




Intended Impact

Improving Teacher Programme (each term)

Teachers with a high percentage of PP students are given priority to attend course such as the Improving Teacher Programme which is led by the Atlas Teaching Partnership


Quality of teaching is one of the best ways to improve outcomes and ensure progress for PP students. This programme supports teachers for at least Good or Outstanding lesson outcomes

Outstanding Teacher Programme


Led by the Atlas Teaching Partnership teachers gives good and outstanding teacher a higher skill level with strategies to be consistently and sustainably outstanding


This supports the vision that every lesson is good or outstanding at Hatcham to benefit all students. The school focus on PP students is part of this plan when observing lessons. It also helps share best practice around the school.

Careers Intervention and Support Programme

Continue to deliver on careers education where vulnerable students have been given priority for career interviews, a careers fair and world of work trips that raise aspirations


0% NEET students

SULSA Programme


Time for outstanding leaders to design and deliver a 5-day programme for Middle Leaders of underperforming departments. This training programme includes mentoring from a head teacher and a full day on improving quality teaching and learning and how best track student progress.


Middle leaders can develop their own departments and focus on core groups through every Key Stage such as disadvantaged students.

Enrichment Activities Programme


A well-established enrichment programme ranging from Choir to external trips and visits.


Offering a range of activities enables disadvantaged students to try out new skills and talents that they may not otherwise be able to utilise. Support for disadvantaged students is available should they need specific equipment such as instruments.

Attendance Support and Monitoring


Working in collaboration with Lewisham – Lesley Chatfield (Lewisham Attendance Officer) supports our drive for regular attendance. Working alongside the Assistant Principals, Heads of Year and School Admin team – as well as wider social services – the attendance officer identifies strategies to improve attendance and highlights support available for disadvantaged families.


Reduce the absence rate of PP students to a minimum of 96%

Learning Resource Centre


The LRC is well stocked with a range of literature, textbooks, videos and computer access. The Pepys site LRC is open from 8am to 5pm whilst the Jerningham site is from 8am to 4pm.


Improve access to PP students of support. The LRC is well stocked where students can borrow textbooks and revision guides – as well as use the computers or a quiet work space.

Homework Club


Every lunchtime there is a homework club where students can go and get some support with their homework. This is run by the SEN department

£12,000 Where students may not get as much support to complete homework – this offers a place where they know there is someone there to support them should they need it.
Music Specialism  Pupil Premium students are encouraged to learn a musical instrument. Music lessons are provided free of charge and there is a wide selection of instruments available for loan £15,000 To encourage a student to engage in music regardless of their ability to pay for music lessons or expensive music instruments. 
Revision Guides and Support Each department provides PP students with their own revision guide or workbook for use at home £8,000 Improve outcomes for disadvantaged students by providing extra resources
Year 11  Residential Sessions target specific students – with a PP focus – to catch up coursework in Open subjects, or revision/exam practice for other subjects £25,000 To ensure that PP students are given opportunity outside of the classroom to work with their teacher, alongside weekday sessions too.


Previous Pupil Premium Statement (2018-2019)

Area Reason for spend  Cost Intended Impact


Continue to run the Improving Teacher Programme and the Outstanding Teacher Programme



Both courses have proven track record of improving the quality of teaching. Teachers with a high percentage of Pupil Premium students given priority to attend course.





100% of teachers on the course will go on to lead an action-based research project aimed at improving the quality of teaching and learning. Impact will be presented to Heads at the Federation Conference.

Creation of Subject Leadership for Student Achievement Programme for all Middle Leaders

Rigorous and consistent monitoring of progress and actions to address gaps is required to improve outcomes for Pupil Premium students. The 5 day programme to ensure all subject leaders know how to promote quality first teaching and to track student progress in their department.






In school variation in results will halve and all subject leaders will successfully pass their performance management.

Additional English and Maths classes created at KS4


A select group of students can achieve with a tailor-made and personal timetable which involves additional English and Maths taught by excellent teachers





Limited. Smaller class sizes in lower sets did not appear to improve results.

Extra Intervention

Pupil Premium students make up the majority of the students and are specifically invited into school when needs arise. 




100% of students on the residential will improve by at least one grade in their GCSE exams.

Pupil Premium only trips to increase cultural capital

Extracurricular review showed that Pupil Premium students attend fewer trips and enrichments than their peers




All Pupil Premium students to attend at least one free trip over the course of the year

Staffed lecture series targeted at  High ability Pupil Premium students



High ability pupil premium students are a focus group for all of our weekly monitoring activities including book looks and learning walks





At least 80% of students attending should be Pupil Premium. Student survey will show that at least 80% of students agree that the lecture series deepened their thinking around the subject.


Free revision resources

Pupil Premium students given free revision guides, model essays and exam tip booklets. We have also invested in Hegarty Maths an Show My Homework



All Pupil Premium students have access to model essays and resources for revision


Careers Intervention Programme


Designed by our National Award Winning Careers Advisor. Vulnerable students given specific opportunities to raise aspirations and understanding of the world of work




All Pupil Premium students to b at least one free trip, careers interview or work experience placement over the course of the year.


Creation of a Spending request form

Designed so that staff that have identified gaps in attainment and want support close them can make a spending request. Funds are granted on their ability to demonstrate impact on progress of pupil premium students



The number of bids for teaching and learning evidence based research increases

Learning Resource Centre open to all students


Staffed from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

(Pepys Site) and 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Jerningham Site)



There is no gap in the number homework sanctions over the academic year recorded by PP and Non PP students

Homework club


Supervised homework club that runs at the end of each school provides students with a quiet environment to work




There is no gap in the number homework sanctions over the academic year recorded by PP and Non PP students

Admin structure to monitor and maximise attendance


In school variations in attendance and Pupil Premium students disproportionally represented in the persistently absent figures



Attendance of all year groups consistently above national average and raising over time


pupil premium strategy 2023 24.pdf