Recommended Resources for Students, Parents and Teachers
Information for parents a parent’s toolkit for careers conversations
Success at School – Parents Advice Pages
Career Alchemy – Parents and Teens Pages
UCAS – Undergraduate Course Advice for Parents & Guardians
Target Careers 2022 – Paths to Professional Careers: A Parents Guide
My World of Work help to explore over 600 job profiles and includes advice on options choices.
Parental Guidance from the Careers Writers Association gives advice and information needed to support young people during their transition to adult working life
Amazing Apprenticeships Parents Zone
The National Apprenticeship Service – Support for Parents and Carers
Make the Jump – This page helps you to understand all of the options available to your child.
Student Entitlement
As part of you school careers entitlement you can access Unifrog to research your future pathways.
Career Quizzes
Sacu - a unique career quiz used by students at thousands of UK schools and colleges; offers independent and impartial careers information.
Gameplan - this King’s College London site uses gaming to encourage learning about higher education and career options.
Support with next steps
UCAS – A guide and database of information on university level courses including degree apprenticeships.
Make the Jump – This sets out all post 16 options including apprenticeships, vocational and academic routes.
National Apprenticeship Service - information on the range of available apprenticeships.
The Complete University Guide - University and subject league tables.
Top Universities – A guide to International Universities.
Not going to Uni – Website for school and college leavers.
Careers Information
National Careers Service – Information, advice and guidance on learning, training and careers.
All About Careers - a one-stop shop for everything careers-related.
Prospects - guidance on career prospects for different degree subjects
Resources for Teachers
LMI for All - A portal providing high quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) to inform careers decisions.
Amazing Apprenticeships - Everything you need to know about apprenticeships including display materials, webinars, videos and information form companies offering apprenticeships.
Stem Ambassadors - Request careers talks and activities from trained volunteers, STEMETTES offer activities work to engage girls and no binary students in STEM.
BBC Bitesize - Have a dedicated careers section including videos, article and messages from celebrities.
Unifrog - Is a whole school platform which allows students to research all of their options and teachers to track their progress. Email for logins or support.
Labour market information
Labour market information tells you about what is happening in the job market at national, regional and local levels and includes information about jobs and salaries, what skills employers are looking for in different industrial sectors, conditions, communities and future trends.
LMI For All – High quality Labour market Information to inform careers decisions.
Start Profile from U Explore – Find out about careers and opportunities in your area.
Skills Match – Information about skills gaps and demand for different skills and qualifications.