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Meet Precious

The support I have received to complete my UCAS application has been amazing! My Head of Year has been constantly checking up and helping me with my choices and the Head of the Medical Society has helped me with the application process. 

Precious talks about joining Hatcham Sixth-Form, applying for medicine & being part of the student leadership team

Why did you choose Hatcham Sixth Form?

I chose Hatcham Sixth Form because it’s a very high performing sixth form in terms of A-levels and other courses. I didn’t attend Hatcham for secondary but wanted to join the Sixth Form to study my A Levels.

What subjects are you studying and what are you hoping to do after Sixth Form?

 I am studying Biology, Chemistry and Maths. After studying A-levels, I am planning to go to Kings College London to study Medicine and eventually practice as a paediatrician.


 How have you found the university application process? 

The support I have received to complete my UCAS application has been amazing! My Head of Year has been constantly checking up and helping me with my choices and the Head of the Medical Society has helped me with the application process. I have also benefitted from the online taster sessions as well as information on posters around the school for universities offering medicine – the leader board for medicine schools helped me make my decision.


Tell us about a highlight of your time at Hatcham Sixth Form

Being a part of the Sixth Form Student Leadership Team has been a real highlight.


 What makes your proud of Hatcham Sixth Form?

 I am very proud of the members of staff. They are extremely helpful and make me feel comfortable enough to talk to them if I need help with anything.

BACK: Sixth Form Stories NEXT: Meet Nathan