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Haberdashers' Hatcham College

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Work Experience

Work Experience is an important part of our careers programme, helping to prepare students for life beyond Hatcham College. Placements are secured by the students themselves, although of course we support when needed. Students  find their experience invaluable for their post 16 education applications,  UCAS personal statements and apprenticeship applications and have secured part time jobs and apprenticeships through their work experience.

Dates for work experience in 2024:

Year 12 will be doing work experience in the summer term- dates will be added shortly.

Year 10 will be doing work experience in the summer term- dates will be added shortly.



Please click here for a Work Experience Application Email template

Please click here for a Work Experience Application Letter template

 Our process for this year:

  • Dates of work experience set and notified
  • Letters sent to parents
  • Students surveyed as to preferred types/areas of placement 
  • Students matched to placements (if applicable)
  • Check and permissions are conducted through Unifrog.
  • Preparation materials produced for work experience programme including Work Experience Diary
  • Health and safety insurance checks made before commencement of placements 
  • Student interviews/preliminary visits arranged
  • Organisation of staff to visit students
  • Visiting tutor packs compiled
  • Briefing of students in groups via assembly by WEXP Co-ordinator, health and safety expert and senior manager
  • Student evaluation forms distributed and collated
  • Whole-school assembly on work experience
  • Thank you letters sent to placement providers

Year 12 Work Experience

A hugely successful year for work experience! The students made us every proud. We are especially thankful to our partners at Construction Youth Trust, Ernst and Young, AON and Lewisham Hospital for their support.


Virtual Work Experience

Virtual work experience is completed digitally and allows students to complete work experience from home with top employers. This builds confidence and allows students to explore their job ideas. 

We recommend students and parent start exploring their options with these websites: 


Pathway CTM 

Speakers for Schools 
